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Keeping your clients information classified, send large data, know the location of your most sensitive data and protecting them with first class security system. 

Keeping your clients information classified, send large data, know the location of your most sensitive data and protecting them with first class security system. 





Create massive collaboration with privacy.  With BMT, you and your team get to send secure mail, send large files up to 32Gb, share folders online, get security notifications, message status and more. 

Key Features

BMT provide secure file sharing for every use case and budget so that you can have private collaboration and your data protected.  

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32GB in one email

That's more than 7 hours of HD movies in a single mail. Or more, as your server permits.


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Efficient inbox

BMT data-light emails lowers load on email infrastructure and saves bandwidth.

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Better mail control 

Empowers users to recall sent attachments

and geographically track downloads.

BIG IDEAS for Big Sharing Community.

Similing Team

DataShare. Online community library to collaborate and distribute folders with access control permissions for your team members or external parties.  

DataDrop. Virtual container or 'pigeon hole' to create links for internal and external users to drop their files at.


DataLink. Create file download links similar to file hosting. File of any size can be shared even via messaging apps, without hassle of writing an email and dealing with attachment constraints.


More features

DataSend. Share BIG files instantly.

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Fragmented emails

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32GB in one go.

Upload once, share infinitely.
Save time and unload your email infrastructure.


BMT Private Cloud 


Store, share and backup your content on BMT dedicated server based at your premise to ensure control and confidentiality of your data.

Freedom to configure settings and specifications to meet different business requirements.


Privacy. Storage. Peace.


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BMT On-Prem Solution

Company owns the data, no need to move files


To be based at the heart of your company

Privately shared visualized resources

Dedicated private server

Connectivity over Internet, fibre or private network

Public Cloud Services

Data is entrusted to 3rd party

Public location and unknown owner

Publicly shared virtualised resources

Support multiple customers 

Connectivity only over Internet

BIG Mail Transfer for Business

BMT integrates advance security systems into email to ensure data privacy and integrity. It promotes team productivity, ideas sharing and easy collaboration inside and outside of organisation.

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Have a question about BMT?

Ask us or our distributors and business partners on how
BMT will benefit your organization's email system.
Download a datasheet for more information on the go.

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